Tipo de inglês: Inglês americano
Níveis: 8
Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas (CEFR): A1-C1
Global Scale of English (GSE): 22-84
Consultor da série: Ken Beatty
Inglês para alunos do século 21
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Componente | Nível 1 | Nível 2 | Nível 3 | Nível 4 | Nível 5 | Nível 6 | Nível 7 | Nível 8 |
Student's eBook with Online Practice, Digital Resources & App (All Levels)* | All levels: 97800136890911 | |||||||
Online Practice (Standalone)* | 9780136922360 | 9780136922506 | 9780136922445 | 9780136922391 | 9780136922469 | 9780136922315 | 9780136922278 | 9780136922254 |
Online Practice Access Code | 9780137378791 | 9780137378869 | 9780137378906 | 9780137378937 | 9780137379002 | 9780137379057 | 9780137379095 | 9780137379132 |
Online Practice Access Code | 9780137378784 | 9780137378821 | 9780137378876 | 9780137378920 | 9780137378999 | 9780137379033 | 9780137379071 | 9780137379125 |
Student's Book & Interactive eBook w/ Digital Resources & App* | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima |
Student's Book & Interactive eBook w/ Digital Resources & App Split A* | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima |
Student's Book & Interactive eBook w/ Digital Resources & App Split B* | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima |
Student's Book & Interactive eBook w/ Online Practice, Digital Resources & App* | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima | Próxima |
Student's Book w/ App | 9780134684130 | 9780134684154 | 9780134684161 | 9780134684178 | 9780134684192 | 9780134684208 | 9780134684215 | 9780134684239 |
Student's Book w/ MyEnglishLab & App | 9780135178461 | 9780135178454 | 9780135178447 | 9780135178430 | 9780135178423 | 9780135178416 | 9780135178409 | 9780135178393 |
Student's Book w/ MyEnglishLab & App Split A | 9780136177036 | 9780136200178 | 9780136200161 | 9780136200031 | 9780136199809 | 9780136413028 | 9780136633006 | 9780136633099 |
Student's Book w/ MyEnglishLab & App Split B | 9780136413509 | 9780136199922 | 9780136200048 | 9780136200024 | 9780136413127 | 9780136413004 | 9780136633044 | 9780136633105 |
Student's eBook w/ Online Practice, Digital Resources and App* | 9780136890782 | 9780136890935 | 9780136890904 | 9780136890836 | 9780136890720 | 9780136890799 | 9780136890676 | 9780136890997 |
Student's Interactive eBook w/ Digital Resources & App Access Code* | 9780137358489 | 9780137358526 | 9780137358540 | 9780137358571 | 9780137358632 | 9780137358656 | 9780137358663 | 9780137358700 |
Student's Interactive eBook w/ Online Practice, Digital Resources & App Access Code* | 9780137358717 | 9780137358755 | 9780137358779 | 9780137358823 | 9780137358830 | 9780137358861 | 9780137358922 | 9780137358939 |
Student's Interactive eBook w/ Online Practice, Digital Resources & App Access Code Split A* | 9780137379583 | 9780137379620 | 9780137379682 | 9780137379774 | 9780137379866 | 9780137379941 | 9780137378692 | 9780137378746 |
Student's Interactive eBook w/ Online Practice, Digital Resources & App Access Code Split B* | 9780137379590 | 9780137379651 | 9780137379750 | 9780137379804 | 9780137379897 | 9780137378685 | 9780137378722 | 9780137378777 |
Workbook | 9780135177518 | 9780135177501 | 9780135177495 | 9780135177488 | 9780135177471 | 9780135177655 | 9780135177631 | 9780135177624 |
ActiveTeach | 9780135181539 | 9780135181546 | 9780135181553 | 9780135181560 | 9780135181577 | 9780135181584 | 9780135181591 | 9780135181621 |
Teacher's Book | 9780135181386 | 9780135181362 | 9780135181348 | 9780135181379 | 9780135181331 | 9780135181324 | 9780135180822 | 9780135180815 |